08. Czech Republic 2002-2005
200 Kc 2002 - 750th anniversary of the death of St. Zdislava of Lemberk

200 Kc 2002 - 100th anniversary of the death of Emil Holub

200 Kc 2002 - 550th anniversary of the appointment of George of Podebrady as the Governor of the Crown Lands of Bohemia

200 Kc 2002 - 150th anniversary of the birth of Mikolas Ales

200 Kc 2003 - 150th anniversary of the birth of Jaroslav Vrchlicky

200 Kc 2003 - 150th anniversary of the birth of Josef Thomayer

200 Kc 2003 - 100th anniversary of the start of traffic on the first electrified railway from Bechyne to Tabor

200 Kc 2003 - 100th anniversary of foundation of the Skier's Union in the Kingdom of Bohemia

200 Kc 2004 - 400th anniversary of the death of Jakub Krcin from Jelcany and Sedlcany death

200 Kc 2004 - The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union

200 Kc 2004 - 250th anniversary of lightning conductor construction by Prokop Diviš

200 Kc 2004 - 150th anniversary of the birth of Leos Janacek

200 Kc 2004 - 425th anniversary of the first edition of the Kralicka Bible

200 Kč 2005 - 100th anniversary of the birth of Jan Werich and Jiri Voskovec

200 Kč 2005 - 100th anniversary of the production of the first car in Mlada Boleslav

200 Kč 2005 - 200th anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz

200 Kč 2005 - 450th anniversary of the birth of Mikulas Dacicky from Heslov